Hel Performance
Hel Performance has a rich history, established in 1985 under Hose-Equip as an authorised Aeroquip distributor. They soon made a name for themselves in the Industrial, Marine and Hydraulic market based on a friendly and collaborative approach to quality and service.
With established reputations and experience in the hydraulics market, Simon Lane and Chris Porter launched HEL Performance’s new system for motorcycle brake lines. Now supplying parts for motorcycles and cars, Hel Performance uses a range of Brother CNC Milling Machines to manufacture a variety of motorsport and automotive components such as motorcycle callipers, master cylinders, brake levers, clutch levers, oil take-offs, breather plates and more.
Identifying that their production process was taking up significant resources through the amount of time managing operations, Hel Performance investigated how they could enhance their current activities to become more productive. With a critical objective to become more sustainable, reduce the number of operations, and set up times, they turned to NIKKEN to improve their service and decided that adopting a Rotary Table could fulfil their requirements.
When looking for a rotary table, Hel Performance needed something that would provide superior quality, improve productivity, and fit inside an envelope of their Brother machining centre along with work holding such as a vice or fixture. NIKKEN’s well-established reputation for high-quality did not disappoint; Hel Performance purchased two 5AX-201 twin axis rotaries, which has allowed them to develop a new lever, which is more rounded, lighter, and more accurate, reducing operations from three down to one, the cycle time from 45 minutes down to 30 with loading time decreasing massively from 5 minutes to 30 Seconds! Thus, solving their issue, optimising their efficiency, allowing them to complete jobs quicker and therefore take on more jobs, increasing their ROI.
Hel Performance now utilises NIKKEN’s 5AX-201 rotary tables for machining aluminium on a Brother S700X1 with a Lang base plate and Lang vice; the second rotary table is active on a larger Brother S1000X1 with an identical base plate and vice set up.
Hel Performance looks forward to partnering with NIKKEN again in the future.

Contact Hel Performance for their industry-leading service and high-quality products at https://www.helperformance.com/the-hel-story.