3 Reasons to Buy NIKKEN's New Automatic Presetters

Three Cutting-Edge Features Driving NIKKEN's New Automatic Presetters to the Forefront of the CNC Industry

Elbo-Controlli NIKKEN has unveiled a groundbreaking lineup of automatic tool presetters that promise to revolutionize productivity in the CNC industry. With over 40 years of expertise, we have integrated three standout features that make our latest offerings a must-have for manufacturers seeking precision and efficiency.

  • Advanced Automation: Precision at Your Fingertips

The new presetter range, including models E460A, E46B, E46BA, E46BP, E46C, E46CA, and E46CX, showcase remarkable advancements in automation. Our flagship E46CX model takes centre stage with its full CNC capabilities, allowing operators to create comprehensive measurement routines with ease. This model offers fully automatic positioning of the vision system, precise spindle control, and adaptive identification of geometric entities.

Many models feature a patented automatic spindle rotation system with pneumatic engagement, ensuring zero backlash and optimal speed control. This system also includes spindle identification, negating operator error and preventing incorrect tool measurements.

E46BP Base
  • Unparalleled Stability with Granite Construction.

Continuing to differentiate, Elbo-Controlli NIKKEN has used natural granite for the bases and columns of our new presetters. This innovative approach provides superior thermal and dimensional stability.

This unique construction method offers a level of stability and accuracy that sets NIKKEN's presetters apart in the market.

  • Intuitive Software for Enhanced User Experience

Recognizing the importance of user-friendly interfaces in today's fast-paced manufacturing environment, Elbo-Controlli NIKKEN has completely overhauled its software and user interface. The new OS and presetter application have been built from the ground up, offering an intuitive and sleek, smartphone-like experience that makes complex operations accessible to all skill levels.

The redesigned interface consolidates all functions and capabilities onto a single screen, allowing for simple gestures, touches, scrolls, and swipes to control the device. This streamlined approach not only reduces the learning curve for new operators but also enhances overall productivity by simplifying routine tasks and complex measurements alike.

Our new line of automatic presetters represents a significant leap forward in CNC tool measurement technology. By combining advanced automation, innovative granite-based construction, and user-centric software design, these machines offer a compelling solution for manufacturers looking to boost precision, efficiency, and productivity in their operations.